I Recognize that God Is Working In The Now Prophetic Hour...!!!
I Recognize that God Is Working In The Now Prophetic Hour...!!! People that know there God shall do great exploits for the Lord, the enemies that are hiding in the churches, we are now in the last days, Perilous time shall come, the very elect of God shall be deceive.. We can not miss God now, I believe God is raising up a generation that is living for God, God is using a nobody to get a somebody blessings! God shall deliver us and bless us if we just be patient. God is working out a plan just for me , just for you, it will, it shall be no more business as usual, in the Church or out of the Church. We should not be afraid to worship El Shadi The king Of Glory!!! we shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, we shall speak in to the mouth of the atmosphere and get what we want. The Lord said we must decree a thing and it shall establish. Where are the warrior for Christ, where are they? The Alpha an...