
Showing posts from January, 2015

Safe Heaven House Of Prayer: My Hair Is God's Glory Jesus Christ Of Nazareth!

Safe Heaven House Of Prayer: My Hair Is God's Glory Jesus Christ Of Nazareth!

Safe Heaven House Of Prayer: GOD HAS A SUBSTITIUTE !!

Safe Heaven House Of Prayer: GOD HAS A SUBSTITIUTE !! : One important thing we need to learn in our lives  is that God always has a substitute. if God say he wants to use you, rejoice ! however, b...


One important thing we need to learn in our lives  is that God always has a substitute. if God say he wants to use you, rejoice ! however, be careful, because even as He is choosing you, He has   already prepared a substitute, 1 Samuel 2:27-30 tell us about Eli. God choose Eli and his family to serve him, God later changed his plans because He only honour those who honour Him. one thing about God's rejection is that the devil takes the place of the resultant vacuum that is created. This was what happened to King Saul. we also have the case of Judas Iscariot in John 13:27-27. He was a  disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. The moment God rejected him, Satan entered him and he ended up hanging himself.  Psalm 75:6-7 tells us something interesting: ' For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God I the Judge: He putteth down  one, and setteth up another. Whenever God gives you an opportunity to serve Him. please humble yourself. it is bette

My Hair Is God's Glory Jesus Christ Of Nazareth!
