
Showing posts from August, 2020


 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16  The average Christian lives under very normal circumstances. He or she experiences joy, happiness, failure and success and also shares in the aspirations of the community he or she is part of. There are some followers of Christ, however, who stress the scriptural call for Christians to isolate themselves from this sinful world. They try to have as little contact as possible with non Christians. Such an attitude denies the very essence of Christ’s incarnation, because He came to the world to save sinners. To do so He mixed with all types of people, even those who were considered unacceptable in His time. Scripture declares that Jesus died for sinners. How will they be able to know Jesus unless they see His beauty and power revealed in your life? If you know Christ as your Savior, you develop an understanding for the needs of others...


 They sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was. Job 2:13  Job’s friends probably did not know why their friend had to suffer so terribly, but there’s no doubt about the sincerity of their sympathy. They just sat with him for seven days and seven nights and their wordless presence was a balm for Job’s distressed spirit.  The principle of compassionate assistance in suffering, shown by Job’s three friends, is a true Christian virtue. In your life you might be confronted with the suffering and sorrow of a dear friend, but circumstances might prevent you from doing anything to alleviate the pain. This heart-rending experience, and can cause frustration as well as inner confusion. Do not allow these distressing circumstances to undermine your faith. Just trust in the omnipresence and omnipotence of God. Hold on to your faith in the face of every kind of adversity. Your sympathy will incr...


 Live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8 The world is filled with the noise of accusations and counter accusations. Nation against nation; organization against organization; person against person. The threat of war hangs heavily over virtually all countries. Aggressive dispositions come to the fore and become the rule rather than the exception.  There is not much that ordinary people can do to suddenly calm the world down. However, it is the duty of every Christian to start somewhere. You must start in the neighborhood where you live and work. It costs nothing to be courteous and friendly, obliging and kind. It is not difficult to offer sympathy to a someone who is heavily burdened with problems. That is what Christian love is all about: caring about others. If you are willing to allow Jesus to use you in the service of fellow men, you can make an enormous impact on your environment. If everyone was willing t...


“You have let go of the commands of God and are holding onto the traditions of men.” Mark 7:8 Rituals and traditions have always played and important role in the affairs of people. This is especially true in the church, where congregational life and practices are to a large extent controlled by the church ordinance and liturgy, the existence of which is attributable to human reasoning. While it is essential, for the sake of order, that any group of people must adhere to rules so that everything can be run fairly, it is of the utmost importance that these things do not become a dominating factor in any Christian community. The foundation of any denomination or congregation must be absolute surrender, devotion and obedience to God. It must be born from pure love for Him. Jesus Christ must be the central figure in all things and His will and wishes must always get preference, over the will of people, regardless of how well-meaning the latter may be. In order to be a channel of the lo...


“Look after him, he said, and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.” Luke 10:35 True sympathy is a heart-warning experience. When it is offered to others, it could console a sorrowful heart and comfort those who are discouraged. To be deeply touched by the misfortunes of others enriched your spirit, because true sympathy stirs the most profound emotions and enables you to understand the sadness and pain of others. The Good Samaritan experienced such emotions when he “took pity on” the victim of the robbers at the roadside. However, he did not merely sympathize, but actively did something practical to ease the suffering of the unfortunate man. Sympathy is a splendid sentiment, but it is enriched when practically applied. How practical sympathy could be applied, however, is not always clear. Sometimes it would seem as if all you can do is to say, “I feel for you.” However, that is better than saying nothing. If possible, a short visit will have helpi...


Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39 It is so easy to become self-centered. You talk about what you want and what you own, until you start to feel that this world has been created especially for you. If this happens, something of immeasurable value dies within you and people will no longer seek your company. Self-centeredness can destroy the beauty of your character.  If you want to live a full, satisfying and free life, you need other people around you whom you can love and serve. It is only through loving service to your neighbor that you can grow to spiritual and intellectual maturity. Jesus emphasized this fact when He said, “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will find it.” (Matthew 16:25). Live to bless other people, and you will be rendered speechless by how the quality of your own life improves. If you want your life to have meaning and purpose, it is important to lose yourself in someone or a cause that is gr...


Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4 Selfishness or self-centeredness undoubtedly stands out as one of the major causes of disturbed human relationships. Regardless of the level of the community where it may manifest itself either on the national or international stage, or in our relationships with one another a lack of caring and consideration for others places a blot on society. Jesus whole life was devoted to caring for others. His love for people was all embracing. This was obvious in His behavior and treatment of everyone He came into contact with. Despite the circumstances, regardless of the consequences, His first thought was always for others; even when He was nailed to the cross. Jesus commanded His followers to love one another as He loves us. It is unavoidable that this will include self-sacrifice. In our ministry of love to one another, we must show others the same compassion and forgiving love tha...


Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 The concept of angels does not meet with everybody’s approval, but this does not mean that there aren’t spiritual beings who serve God and assist people. There are many cases in the Bible where angels were sent as God’s messengers to people. However, the thought of a winged being, as portrayed in works of art, is unrealistic. If angels walked amongst us in our times, we would not be able to distinguish them from ordinary people. They would be known only by their conduct and not by what they wear or how they look. The thought that there could be angels in this world, presents us with a fresh approach and a new appreciation for our fellow beings. Instead of looking for their faults, you will discover something of their God-given talents. Where the best in people is often concealed by layers of pride and self-glorification, you must look for something of the tr...


Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me. Matthew 25:40 Let us thank God for those people who take pleasure in helping others. No task is too small for them, and they rejoice in doing good unobtrusively. They do not seek any reward, except for making life richer and easier for their fellow man. People like that are usually happy. It is seldom that you will come across somebody who makes life more pleasant for others, who is dejected. To forget about yourself in the service of others, is not only the religious path of life, but also the path  to a full and satisfying life. The only way in which you can be convinced of this, is by giving of yourself in the service of others. Now is the best time to start. Find somebody who is in need. You will not have to look far, because the world is full of people who are destitute. A lonely person might welcome friendship; someone who is confused will appreciate a good and understanding listener; a lone...


Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 Scientific, academic and technological progress has created a sophisticated world to live in that has many advantages.  However, there are also disadvantages that follow progress. It is difficult to live a simple and uncomplicated life in these modern times. Heavy demands are made on people of all genders and ages.  Signs of stress and tension are noticeable as the qualifying requirements increase, greater productivity is required, and many people are regarded as redundant in the prime of their lives. We pay a high price for progress and people stuffer psychologically, mentally, physically and emotionally because of it.  Now is the time for Christianity to be active for the sake of people in distress. We must draw from the wells of wisdom and discernment that are granted to us by the Holy Spirit, and utilize our talents to the full.  We ...


Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Genesis 4:9  Much of the evil in the world can be ascribed to uninvolvement in the face of distress in the lives of our fellow man. For a number of reasons, there are so many people who are inclined to follow the example of the priest and the Levite in the parable of the Good Samaritan. They prefer “passing on the other side,” instead of feeling deeply sorry for the victim of the crime.  Their reasons may differ and their attitudes may be ascribed to embarrassment, inability or a fear of rejection. More often than not, they are so involved with their own affairs, or their own problems, that they do not have time to get involved with other people’s problems. Even worse, they do not even notice the other person’s distress. Jesus gave us two commandments that He emphasized as the most important. The one is to love God with your entire being, and the other is to...