
Showing posts from January, 2021


 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 This is a tough assignment in our world today. The world measures success by the accumulation of money, which leads to influence and power.  God measures success in a different way. He encourages you to keep the love of money off your list of priorities. Satan will continually subtly nudge you to desire more and more money, more and more things. God encourages you to remember that what really counts is His presence in your life. He promises to be with you always in all ways. So make it a priority to know Him better and better.  That means your priorities won't be focused on money, but will be focused on spiritual things. Prayer : Dear Lord, help us to be grateful for everything You have blessed us with, help us to remember what really counts.  Amen


 Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 Do you long for victory in your life? We all want relief from the stresses that weigh us down. We long for freedom and strength to keep on going. The pathway to that kind of life is found in this verse - put your hope in the Lord. God will supply the strength you need to get through life. His energy will keep you going, and, while you may tire physically, you will be revitalized emotionally and spiritually. How do you put your hope in the Lord? Make spending time with Him a priority each day. Read His Word, be quiet before Him and wait for Him to speak to your heart.  Prayer :  Dear Lord, help us to put our hope in You, help us to look to You when we are discouraged, and help us to understand that when we are weak You are our strength.  Amen


 Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalms 73:25-26 The psalmist knew that life on this earth has nothing to offer that can compare with God. Riches, success, health and fame will fall away in time. Only God will stand the test of time. You can be certain that Satan will constantly attack your efforts to make God the strength of your heart. Because of his persistence, you must make a conscious choice every day to put God at the forefront of your heart and life. Satan will toss many distractions in front of you to attempt to turn you away from God. Don't let him. Learn from the psalmist and stay focused on God. Prayer : Dear Lord, help us to stay focused on You even when we go through difficult times, help us to understand that in You we have strength, help us to ignore distractions and keep our focus on You.  Amen


 A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8 Even a novice gardener knows that you must plant corn if you want to grow corn. You won't grow corn if you plant squash seeds - no matter how much you wish or pray for corn. This directly relates to life priorities. If you spend your energy in selfish, sinful ways, you'll not be pleasing God. You can pray for spiritual growth, pray for God to work in your life and ask Him to help you through problems, but your prayers won't do much good. You must do your part. If you want to please Him and grow in Him, then spend time reading His Word and learning about Him.  Prayer :  Dear Lord, help us to plant good seeds that we may reap a harvest, help us to read Your Word daily and learn more about You.  Amen 


 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:2-3 Life is so busy. You may find that your mind is usually racing to keep track of all the things you need to do. Multi-tasking meal multi-thinking. While it's certainly important to keep life going, particularly if  you have a family who is depending on you to do so, it is even more important to focus your thoughts on things above. Paul points out here that, when you became a believer, you died and the meaning and purpose of your new life is hidden with Christ in God. So, to learn about that life and to grow deeper in Him, requires focusing your thoughts on Him. The better you know Christ, the more you will understand about your life. Prayer :  Dear Lord, help us to keep our minds focused on the things above and not on earthly things.  Amen


 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. Jeremiah 17:7 Where have you put your trust? Who do you depend on? As you think about setting priorities and goals it is good to start with your foundation. Some people put their trust in other people, completely relying on their opinions. Some put their trust in material things and don't feel successful or important unless they have more possessions than others. Some put their trust in careers or even unhealthier things such as drugs and alcohol. The only sure foundation is Jesus Christ. If your trust is in Him you will never be disappointed because He is worthy of your confidence.  Make it a priority to place your confidence where it should be, firmly rooted in Jesus Christ. Prayer :  Dear Lord, help us to stay rooted in You, help us to keep You as the foundation at all times, help us to trust You with everything. Amen 


 One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 A very important guideline for setting priorities is to keep looking forward. Learn from past experiences and mistakes, but don't continue looking backward at them. Look forward to experiences that will help you continue to grow to a deeper level of faith in Christ Jesus. The things you give your time and energy to should help help you become a better person and a stronger Christian. Don't beat yourself up over past failures. Forget them and turn to look at what is ahead for you. Face the finish line and do everything you can to be worthy of the prize you will receive when you cross and line.  Prayer :  Dear Lord, help us to look forward at all times, help us to keep going even when things get tough, help us to know that through it all You will be right beside us every step of...


 You will seek me and find me when you seek with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 No half-hearted goal setting allowed! If knowing God, living for Him, and growing in your faith is important, then it's worth giving whole heart to it. You can put on a fancy show for other people and convince them that you're doing a good job of seeking to know God better. However, the bottom line is that you can't fool God. He looks deep into your heart and knows whether they run deep.  If they are deep and your heart's desire is to know Him with all your heart, then mistakes and failures will be brushed aside. God cares about what your heart's priority is.  Prayer :  Dear Lord, help us to seek You in everything we do and help us to seek you with all of our heart, help us to give our all and not go half way with anything.  Amen


 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 For a Christian, nothing is more important than knowing Christ and living for Him. Nothing is more important than showing others what Christ is like, by the way you live life. This doesn't happen by accident. Every day you make choices about how you will behave, how you will relate to other people, what your actions and reactions will be. Every day you choose over and over whether or not you will live for Christ.  The last part of this verse puts life in perspective. As you make these constant choices, you are also choosing your place in eternity. A Christian believes with all her heart that living for Christ is important, and that dying brings it with the promise of a great  reward - being with Christ forever. That puts the things of this world in perspective, doesn't it? Prayer :  Dear Lord, help us to live for Christ everyday of our lives, help us to stay focused on You. Amen 


 Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:33 This verse is pretty convicting when you think about it in relation to setting goals or priorities. Jesus says that you must give up everything in order to be His disciple. That makes the priority setting easy, doesn't it?  Being Christ's disciple must be first - before any other responsibilities,  desires or even priorities. It must be the filter through which all other things are viewed. Once the priority of giving everything up for God is established, then all other priorities fall in line behind this one that is the standard.  Nothing is more important than your walk with God and growth in Him. If other things don't enhance that one goal, then they don't belong on your list of priorities. Simple, isn't it? Prayer :  Dear Lord, help us to keep You first in everything we do, help us to put You as our first priority, and help us to understand that when we put You first everythi...


 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Psalms 62:8 Do you set New Year's Resolutions? Sometimes it's helpful at the beginning of a new year to list the things that are important goals for the new year - priorities to work on. Of course, realistically many of them will fall by the wayside before January is over, but sometimes one or two stick.  One priority to work on is trusting God - all the time. Learning to trust Him to the point that you can pour out your heart to Him, with all your pain, pleading, and joy - and know that He hears you. He cares, and you can find shelter in Him any time.  Prayer :  Dear Lord, help to trust You at all times, help me to understand that I am Your friend and you call me Your own, help me to understand that I can confide in You and talk to You about anything.  Amen


 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23 Slipshod isn't a word you hear much anymore. There are more modern ways of describing a person's mediocre efforts to complete an obligation or finish a job. For a believer who is representing the Lord Jesus Christ in all she does, slipshod efforts are not an option.  Make it a priority to do a job with all your heart, to the best of your ability. Present your efforts to Lord as part of your praise to Him for the abilities and talents He has given you. Make excellence a priority in your life. Don't settle for less. Your efforts will be noticed by those around you and will be a positive testimony of your walk with the Lord.  Prayer :  Dear Lord, help me to strive to be the best version of me, help me to understand with You all things are made possible according to Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.  Amen


 But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 It has often been said that the attitude of the wife/mother in the home sets the attitude for everyone else in the home. "If the momma isn't happy, nobody is happy." It is also worth considering that the priorities set by the wife/mother have a direct influence on those of the rest of the family, too. If you, as wife or mother, decide that it is important for you to serve God, it will make a real difference into your family and the relationship they have with the Lord.  Meet the challenge and set priorities that will provide the opportunity and atmosphere for the rest of your family to make God important in their lives. Prayer :  Dear Lord, help my family and I to put You first in everything, help us to understand that when You are the foundation of our lives we will be unmovable.  Amen


 He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done.  Proverbs 19:17 How do you spend your time? You may say that certain things are important to you, such as helping others by donating time to a food pantry or shelter. But if you don't actually do those things, then they aren't really that important to you.  As you set priorities in your life, it's important to act on them, not just write them on a list. Quite often in life, the important things get pushed aside by things that shout for your attention, even if they aren't really that important. Be careful to set priorities worthy of your time and calling from God, and to put those priorities into action.  Prayer :  Dear Lord, help me to put my priorities into action and help me to make time for what is important to me. Amen


 It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night. Psalms 92:1-2 It's always good to take into consideration what God wants when you are setting priorities. One thing we know He wants is our praise. Do you set aside time in your day to spend with God? In that quiet time do you praise Him? Or are your prayers filled with requests, fears or complaints? Make a point to set aside time to praise God for who He is and what He has provided for you.  Focus your thoughts on praise and remember His faithfulness to you. More than likely your day will go better and you will find that your attitude is improved. Prayer :  Dear Lord, help me to give you praise at all times even when things are difficult, help me to understand that through everything I go through praise is my weapon. Amen 


 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 Great news, you are not free-floating. There is a plan for your life, even if you don't know what it is at the moment. God's plan may not be the same as your plan, but as you assess various situations and set priorities as to how you spend your time, energy and money, you definitely want to get in touch with what God wants for you.  It's comforting to know that He is involved in your life and cares about what you do and how you spend your time. He isn't trying to hide His plan from you, but you will need to exert some effort to discover it. Spend some time with God asking for His direction and guidance.  Prayer : Dear Lord, as I go through life's journey help me to follow Your directions and please guide me along the way.  Amen