
Showing posts from February, 2024


 You say that you want the chance to know me, to step beyond the walls I’ve built to protect my heart, but that’s a big step for me. I’ve had my heart broken more times than I can count and I promised myself long ago that I would always be careful who I let in, so if I choose to let you in, don’t break my heart. Don’t betray my trust. Don’t disrespect me. Don’t take me for granted. Maybe those things sound insignificant to you, but they’re very important to me, because I’ve been in a relationship where I didn’t have those things and it hurt...a lot. I deserve better. I know my worth and I’m not settling for anyone who can’t treat me the way I want. My walls are high for a reason, and if you choose to truly connect with me, know that my love, my trust and my heart must be earned.. And I don’t give those things lightly. Know that I’m a complex person with a sometimes challenging demeanor, but it’s just because I’ve put myself back together again after falling apart an...

God i need your help!!

 The Lord have direct me to leave my comfort zone and travel every city and state in the United States of America 🇺🇸  I am asking you for your help  young men and women are being sex trafficing my mandate is to go back out there  I don't want to be at the end of my rope  ! I am asking for you help a loaner RV or some donation please our children need us  I ask God how long I am tired. And I have to go about my father's business  with the help of the holy spirit  you can zelle  me Dawn Coburn 3862833488, $Deborah 2027 , Dawn Coburn Ministries  thank you in advance 


 *MORNING TEA*☕ *SUNDAY 18 FEBRUARY 2024*📆  *HE GOES BEFORE YOU*⚓️ *TODAY’S SCRIPTURE*📖 I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. _*(Isaiah 45:2, NKJV)*_ _*Isaiah 45:2 KJV*_ I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron. *TODAY’S WORD*🍞 When we face a tough challenge, it’s easy to start dreading it, thinking it’s going to be so hard. “How am I going to make it through this treatment? How can I ever pay off this mortgage?” Yes, there are seasons of testing where we have to endure and do the right thing when it’s hard, but there are also times when GOD makes it easier than it looks.  Perhaps you’re facing situations now that you dread, and you’re gearing up to endure it. But when GOD says He will go before you and make the crooked places straight, that means what should be overwhelming is no pro...

Word for today

 Word for the day  Today, I am changing the way that church gets done in the earth. I am laying the hand of My emphasis on “being the church” instead of just “doing church.” You will no longer simply go to church in this hour, says the Lord . From this day forth you will stand up and be the church in the earth. The primary difference, is that the demonic realm is going to stand up and take notice. The demonic minions are going to be called in on their day off. Because you are taking your position in the Kingdom, the principalities and powers will no longer get to sleep in on Sundays. The demons and powers of spiritual darkness are going to a seven-day workweek and doing extra shifts, . They are going to have to set their alarms earlier and cancel their dinner plans because they will be working late. The church in the earth is going to plague the domain of darkness and rob its inventories and release the captives in Jesus Name.


 Hello  everyone please accept my apologies of being off for so long  I had a very hard lost I was hiding just like David  I promise to come back strong and better ! I solicit your prayers  be bless . James 2:17 much love to all of you all is in divine order !!


 *MORNING TEA☕* THE ANOINTING OF THE PROPHET ATTRACT A LOT OF EVIL PEOPLE WHO PRETENDS TO BE GOOD. THE EAGLE PROPHET.. *  FEBRUARY 2024* *DARE TO ASK BIG⚓️*  *TODAY’S SCRIPTURE📖*   “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”  _*(Matthew 21:22, NKJV)*_ _*Matthew 21:22 KJV*_ And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. *TODAY’S WORD🍞*  When GOD laid out the plan for your life, He didn’t just put into it what you need to get by and endure until the end. He put more than enough in it. He’s a GOD of abundance. We see this all through the Scripture. David says, “My cup runs over.” He had an abundance, more than he needed. Yes, we should thank GOD  that our needs are supplied, but don’t settle there. He is a more-than-enough GOD. He wants you to have an abundance so you can be a blessing to those around you. Are you asking for the abundant, overflowing, more-than-enough life that GOD has for ...

She is Me

 She never meant to go down the hard roads that she did, that’s just how her life turned out. She didn’t choose her story.. Her story chose her. It’s been a tale of heartache and heartbreak, falls and failures, struggle and loss. But even more than that, her story is one of rising from the ashes, getting stronger with very mistake and becoming more beautiful after she was broken. They’ll call her distant, cold or unforgiving- that’s just because they don’t bother to try to see past her steely facade.. Not to keep others out, but to protect herself. She’s been hurt countless times before by lovers, friends and even family.. And she has a bitter taste in her mouth from it. So, maybe she doesn’t welcome everyone into her life with open arms, not because she’s standoffish, but because she’s more careful now who she lets get close to her. She vowed never again to let the people who didn’t deserve her time or love past her walls.. anyone who has gotten close to her has earned it- she’s w...

Victory !!

 Word for the day  Today, every bondage and captivity is being loosed in your life. The chains are falling away from your hands and your feet. Bracelets of entitlement and authority are now on your wrists, and the robe of righteousness adorns your shoulders. From the foundation of the earth, I established you, and I created you for My glory. Mother and father might not have wanted you. Siblings may have rejected you. Loved ones may have walked away never to be heard from again but know this, says God – I am with you every day of your sojourn. You are not a vagabond, and you are not a prodigal. You are an entitled son and an entitled daughter of the Most High God, and that is what determines what happens next in your life and not the sorrows or heartbreak of times past. Victory!

Being you!

 I’ve been procrastinating, delaying and waiting to step out and become more. I’ve made every excuse why I can’t chase my dreams and embrace my happiness.. But the truth is, I was only lying to myself. Everything I’ve needed, all my fire and drive that I’ve been looking for… It’s been there inside me all along. I listened to the world too much when it told me I couldn’t, I wasn’t ready or that I would never make it. It’s time for me to stop listening and start doing. I’ve let my fear of failure hold me back for too long… And it’s done nothing but cause me worry, anxiety and unhappiness. I know I’ve failed, made mistakes and chose poorly in the past.. But I’m letting all that go and I’m moving forward. I’m closing the door to what has been so that I can look forward to what can be. Deep down, I’ve always known who I can be and what I’m capable of… I’ve just never truly believed in myself the way that I should have. And as hard as it is, scary as it may seem, I’m forcing myself to st...