LISTENING TO GOD'S DIRECTION AMID DISTRACTION... Simon and those who were with him searched for him. When they found Him they said to him, everyone is looking for you, But he said to them, let us go into the next towns, that i may preach there also, because for this purpose i have come forth'; (Mk 1:36-38). hunted down, i have being hunted down, Can you imagine a more annoying scenario? peter thought he knew best how Christ should spend His day. And he was even willing to interrupt the Lord's prayer-time to offer his advice. The need Simon peter was expressing was clearly an urgent one: someone is looking for you, no one active in ministry (either full time or as a volunteer) has escaped the pressure of certain ministry 'interest groups, there needs are often valid and they sometimes have Representatives who plead for immediate attention. Yet look at what Jesus did. He was not worried about being perceived as someone who wasn't responsive to immediate needs, ...