Determine How Much Time To Spend

Determine How Much Time To Spend.....

When i was in nursing school, the instructor told me, it's better to practice 10 to 15 minutes a day everyday, and then to practice several hours on only a few days. She was right, especially when it comes to establishing new habits.  But new habits are sometimes  hard to form. A very good man of God that God has place in my life , He is like a brother that i never have, a family that i would love to have,a brother who listen when i babble, but he understand, He is the encourager of me blogging, however he give me a very special advice now sister Dawn u write very long so try to blog   once or twice per week, He is right just as my nursing instructor told me, and i thank is not by accident that  the author of Hebrews wrote that we are not to forsake 'the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some ''(Heb10:25). He understood that church attendance, like any other activity, is a habit that need to  be cultivated. the principle clearly applies to our devotional time, it's better to block out 15 minutes and seek to remain faithful to honoring that time than to let our daily discipline be eaten away by daily distractions that might comes our ways. After all these years i realize that i don't have to answer my phone, i don't have to   talk, i don't have to occupy my times worried about everyone when there is only a few worried about me, distraction comes seen and unseen, distraction comes in all shapes and sizes, do not get distracted when it comes to God business, After a very long week of praying travailing and traveling, last night of all the night, someone that i have reached out to  on the 10-20-12, to let them know that my sparks plugs blew out on the highway 81,someone that i was there on beck on call. came last night after my blessed driver drop me off, there come distraction knowing that i am putting the luggage in the house very tired stand at the door for a good 40 mins was distracting me, never did they call to see if i was ok, distraction showed up at my door, Saints and sinners, your time is very important and valuable to God that wasted 40 minutes shall never comes back to me. be careful about your daily distractions, pray about how much time to spend with the Master, enter that time and  BLOCK INTO YOUR CALENDAR !!!


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