Mother Eagle Stirring Up The Nest,

The first thing mother eagle does, according to the Bible and according to the wildlife commissioner, is to stir up the nest. In other words, she begins walking around inside the nest, breaking the twigs and turning over the leaves. The nest which had been so safe, warm, and comfortable is no longer that way. Now the wind can blow through the holes in the nest that mother has made. Now the little sticks begin to poke the bird’s side. Home is not as comfortable as it was.
You see, mother literally tore up his nest to force him to leave it. Many times, this is exactly how God must work with us. Sometimes God has to stir up our security in order to get us to launch into the next great program of faith He has ready for us.
We like to have nice things and plenty of them. There is nothing wrong with wanting nice things or even possessing nice things. This becomes wrong when these things begin to interfere with God’s will for our lives.
Hold a coin an arm’s distance away from your eye and it looks very small in comparison to all the other things you can see around it. But put the coin only one inch from your eye and you will notice you can hardly see anything else because the coin is obstructing your view.
As long as we keep earthly possessions in their proper place, there is nothing wrong with having them. But, when they begin to obstruct our spiritual vision and stand as obstacles in the way of God’s will for us, these things become wrong.
Not only has mother stirred up the baby bird’s security, but she has made him very uncomfortable. This is how God must deal with us at times.
But, the little bird thinks to himself, "Well, it isn’t as nice as it once was, but it is still my home, and I am going to stay right here". Then mother has to do the next thing the Bible states and the wildlife commissioner confirms. She hovers over her young baby, flapping her powerful wings just over his head. She will flutter her wings for several seconds, then rest, then flutter, then rest. The little bird will be running back and forth inside the nest trying to escape his mother’s powerful wings, but regardless of where he goes, she is there. She made the nest. She knows it much better than he does. He cannot escape the presence of his mother.
The baby bird is probably thinking to himself, "What a terrible turn of events this is. These were the wings that used to hide me when foes would come upon me. These were the wings that used to protect me from the cold, and now these wings are trying to beat me to death. Mother doesn’t love me anymore!" But this is far from the truth.
Mother loves her baby. She is simply trying to get him to launch out so he can become the kind of eagle God meant for him to be. And sometimes God has to hover over us with His powerful wings in order to get us to launch out and become the kind of Eagle Christians He wants us to be.
This hovering process of God can be our greatest motivation for spiritual growth or our deadliest means of discouragement, trouble, affliction, opposition, pressure, chastening, anguish, testing. Tribulation will become destructive if we fail to see the hand of God behind it: "For the people turneth not unto Him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the Lord of hosts" (Isaiah 9:13).
Now the little bird is watching all of this. He knows his mother hovers for only a few seconds and then is resting, and the bird thinks to himself, "I know what I’ll do. The next time mother rests those wings I’ll scurry up on the back of her neck. She can’t beat me if I am sitting on the back of her neck." This is exactly what he does. By the way, it is also exactly what the mother knew he would do. When mother rests, the little bird scurries up her wing onto the back of her neck.
The wildlife commissioner said it is amazing to watch through binoculars at how fast these little birds can travel. Now the little bird is sitting on the back of his mother’s neck and thinking, "Oh, what a smart bird am I." But if eagles could smile, she would have a big smile on her beak as she flies away from the nest.  I love to see the birds just looking all around very alert  they can hear a pin drop, that is how God want to sensitize our ears, in 2005, I remember coming from a  particular church one Sunday, I wanted to build an house on the land site I remember driving through the pasture then and to behold the beauty  of God in the forestry to hear the birds singing to see the wind blowing, I can remember stopping on lot 89 and all I could hear was the singing of so many birds while I was praying in the spirit, I did not see an eagle then , but we never know, I could see so  many birds that day one that caught my eyes were the red robin , there is something special about the red robin and the eagle, the eagle show strength and tensity, while Christ was on the cross the robin was  there,  The bible tells us how, we prayed to be eagle Christians, and not a Robin, we never think about the robin only the eagle, sometimes it seems as if every nest we feather is scattered and we are constantly being driven off. But what  God want for us is to ever testing our wings against the stormy weather, think of  the birds if they should fall, and a chicken when they fall, 
?, the chicken can only fall one way not the birds of the air , especially an eagle, All we have to do is to humble our heart and become what God has ordained and call us to be.


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