Christ, the Suffering Servant

To this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, then you should follow His steps: "Who committed no sin, Nor was deceit found in His mouth. -1 Peter 2:21-22

Suffering is a mysterious thing. Everyone suffers at some time or another. Maybe we've experienced a major setback in our physical health, the sudden loss of a friend or family member, or being socially isolated by coworkers because of our Christian values. Often we suffer for reasons beyond our control. Suffering is real, and it is painful.
Suffering was even felt by Jesus, the only man ever to live and never commit sin. Scripture teaches that "there is none righteous, no, not one" (Romans 3:10) and that all have fallen short of  God's perfect standard. (Romans 3:23).
Only Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life. And, yes, even Jesus suffered. If the perfect Son of God suffered for us and He is our example for living life, how on earth can we not expect to suffer? We suffer because the world has been reeling from the sting of sin since Eden. Frequently we suffer because our adversary, the devil, hates us (John 10:10). Suffering can also be the result of personal pride, greed, an unforgiving attitude, or even our own foolishness.
But the Bible has great news for believers : suffering is temporary. Through the death and resurrection of Christ, eternal suffering was defeated. Like a dead snake that still reflexively thrashes about even though it is dead, suffering may last for today, but it will not last forever. Here's the promise. "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will exist no longer; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer" (Revelation 21:4).

Prayer : Dear God, use my suffering for Your glory and to make me more like Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.


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