Credible Credentials

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. -Luke 4:18

Throughout our lives each of us will probably hold several jobs. Each of these jobs will come with a detailed description of responsibilities that we will do our best to fulfill.
In Luke 4, when Jesus picked up the scroll and read from Isaiah 61, He was reading a job description that only He had the ability to fulfill. One word summarizes the job Jesus was to fulfill: Deliverer.
Unfortunately, while Jesus offers to anyone and everyone deliverance from sinful, self-centered ways into a Spirit-guided life, not all will be delivered.
What separates those who will be delivered by Jesus from those who will not? One simple word: belief. Jesus read His job description in the presence of His hometown crowd, but the people would not people would not listen to Him. They refused to believe that Jesus had the power to do what He said through Isaiah's words He had come to do.
Jesus has the power to deliver us , but like the people of Nazareth, our unbelief can prevent our deliverance. When we find the toxic thoughts of unbelief creeping into our minds, we must remember that Jesus, who delivered us from our sins, can deliver us from unbelief as well.

Prayer : Lord, when I allow doubt and unbelief to creep into my mind, help me to remember that You have the power to deliver me. Forgive me for my sin of unbelief and allow me to trust that Your mighty hand is at work in my life. Amen.


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