Getting to Know God

That I may know Jesus and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by nay means, I may attain to the resurrection from  the dead. -Philippians 3:10-11

There are countless things in life that you should know. You should remember your address, your phone number, and your social security number. Don't forget your mom's  cell phone number and her maiden name.Your children's birthdays, your wife's birthday, the day you got engaged and don't you dare forget your anniversary!.
These are a few of the many pieces of information you should be able to recall in a moment; these are important things that everyone should know. Beyond that, you have many other things you should remember. Did you forget the milk at the grocery store? Have you changed your oil lately? Did you call the exterminator to schedule that appointment? It seems the list of things you are supposed to know is endless.
But there is one thing you must know that is much more important than the rest. Actually, it's a Someone, not a something. Above all else, you must strive to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Paul expressed his earnest desire, "That I may know Jesus." This passion was the driving force of his life.
While you should know many important things as well as many trivial things, nothing is more important than knowing God. And God has made Himself knowable through His written Word, His Son, and His Spirit.

Prayer : Heavenly Father, I'm grateful that You are a knowable God. In the midst of a world full of endless information, help me to know You better. Help me to know You more. Amen.


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