Nature of Christian Life

I have given you example, that you should do as I done you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.
-John 13:15-17

Have you ever witnessed a wedding ceremony where the bride and groom washed each other's feet? It is a humbling, beautiful moment to behold as the two seek to portray the dedication, love, and service that a healthy marriage will require. Reminiscent of Paul's words concerning Christian marriage to love one another as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25), Jesus words here clearly state that the most effective relationships occur when people put others before themselves.
In today's passage, Jesus demonstrated humble service for His disciples: He washed their feet. This lowly act is stunning. Now note the specific word Jesus used to make His point: He called His act an example. In other words, what Jesus did to demonstrate authentic humility, His disciples and believers today must do as well.
But if your family members, friends, and coworkers were assured of confidentiality and given the opportunity to speak freely about your daily attitude you as humble, would any of them describe you as humble servant?
Or, instead, would you be described as proud, egotistical, and too dazzled by your own achievements to notice other people and their needs? One of the marks of a true Christian is a heart of humility.
Since the greatest King in the world Jesus was widely described as a humble servant, how could those who call Him "Lord" be any less?

Prayer : Dear God, help me to be like Jesus. May Your name be glorified as I serve others. Amen.


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