Peace Under Pressure

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." -John 16:33

Years ago when I was visiting an unsaved couple in their home, I noticed a large sliver tray on the mantle. When I commented on tray, the lady of the house informed me that the tray was the god of their home. I discovered that these people were part of a shrine cult and that the sliver tray was actually the godthey worshipped.
I asked her, "Where are your god's eyes?" She replied, "It doesn't have any". When I inquired about the god's ears and mouth, her reply was the same. As I looked at that piece of metal, I thanked God for a Savior who can see, hear, and speak.
In today's text, Jesus spoke about the peace that He has promised. Firs, He reminded us that it is an available peace. He said, "In Me you may have peace." Jesus made a promise. This peace is real, and it is available to us through Him.
Second, Jesus told us that His peace is an overcoming peace. He instructed us to "be of good cheer," to be encouraged. We are strong in the Lord. Finally, Jesus told us that His peace is an overcoming peace. This world is a place of tribulation, which means loss, disappointment, pain, and pressure. The world constantly tries to press us into it's mold. This world wants us to think like it thinks, believe like it believes, and behaves like it behaves. But Jesus has overcome this world, and through Him we are victors in the midst of tribulation, not victims of circumstance.

Prayer : Father, thank You for the available, encouraging, and overcoming peace that Jesus has given me. In His precious name, Amen.


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