Peace with God

Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, though whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
-Romans 5:1-2

The Bible teaches that enmity exists between God and unrepentant sinners. Man in his unsaved condition is an enemy of God and at war with Him. But salvation changes that. In Ephesians 2:16, Paul informed us that the enmity between God and man was put to death through the reconciling death of Christ on the cross. As a result of having been justified through our faith that Jesus death paid for our sins, we now have peace with God.
Now that we have peace with God, two wonderful truths have become realities in our lives. First, we have access to God and His grace. When we were lost in our sin, we were separated from our holy God and had no access to Him. But Jesus "made peace through the blood of His cross." (Colossians 1:20)
That means Jesus has made possible a relationship between God and man. On the cross Jesus took the hand of God in one hand and the hand of mankind in the other and joined them together. We are no longer strangers to God. We are His children, and He welcomes us into His presence.
Second, because we have peace with God, we have hope of future glory. As lost sinners, we were without hope but no longer. We have hope that God is with us present and that we will live with Him for eternity. Rejoice in the hope you have in Christ!

Prayer : Father, thank You that we are not enemies but friends. Thank You for the peace You have given to me through Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.


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