The Power of One

If by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. -Romans 5:17

Understanding the magnitude of redemption is impossible apart from the back story Eden. In the garden, Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God, and the drama of salvation the divine plan to reclaim what was lost began. Thus in Romans 5, the apostle Paul identified Jesus as the Second Adam who functions perfectly within the boundaries that God desired for the first man. "Death reigned through the one" refers to the fatal fall and subsequent curse Adam received and passed on to the entire human race. Because of the notorious impact of our oldest ancestor, we are born with sinful nature, and we naturally rebel against God, ensuring our condemnation.
Juxtaposed against this painful reality, however, is the saving impact of Jesus Christ. One man's sin did result in our death, and by God's grace one Man's righteousness gives us life. If we remain in Adam, damnation awaits. But if we stand in the righteous of Jesus Christ, salvation and eternal life are ours. Those who receive Jesus, "abundance of grace" and "the gift of righteousness" inherit a new nature and no longer live under Adam's curse. Adam rebelled; Jesus restores. In Adam there is a second death after the grave; in Jesus there is a second birth after we recognize our need for a Savior. Because of Adam's rebellion, our dominion over creation is lost, but through Jesus Christ we will one day reign over creation for the glory of our eternal King!

Prayer : God, help me to lead others to the righteousness that is found through Your Son, In Jesus name, Amen.


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