The Two Sides of Salvation

The righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. -Romans 3:21-23

Salvation. The mention of God's gracious intervention on our behalf strikes a chord of gratitude and humility among the faithful. Yet, all too often, our focus rests only on half of the sacrificial work that enables us to be born again. Certainly, Jesus died on the cross, substituting Himself for us and taking the punishment for our sins. We celebrate and rightfully so the joy of knowing that even though we fall short of God's holy standards, our sins are forgiven. This, however, is only half of the gospel.
Jesus not only removed our guilt, but He also imparted His innocence to us. Our salvation is possible because God takes our sins from us and He gives His righteousness to us. In other words, to have faith in Jesus Christ is to stand in righteousness before God. Because of our Savior, our behavior is to be an expression of the righteousness we already possess rather than a means to obtain it.
Do you feel like you cannot live the Christian life? Jesus lived it for you. Are you concerned about those sins that repeatedly entice you? Jesus overcame them. Grace is evident in what God did through Jesus on the cross and in what He continues to do for us, empowering us to be His light and love in this dark and hurting world.

Prayer : Father, thank You for taking my sins away and for giving me the perfect righteousness of Jesus. Help me become the person You have already declared me to be because of the cross. I yield my life to You today. Amen. 


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