Unified in Jesus

If there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. -Philippians 2:1-2

I remember a science demonstration I saw when I was in middle school. Our teacher dumped all types of different metal shavings onto a table. Some of the shavings were iron, some were steel, some were aluminium, and some were tin. Then the teacher brought out a powerful magnet and passed it over the metal. All of the metals that were not magnetically charged stayed on the table. Something similar happens spiritually. When God puts His Spirit inside of us at the point of salvation, we are magnetized. As a result, all kinds of different people are brought together by the magnetic power of the Spirit of God. This is how "every tribe and tongue and people and nation" can gather around the throne (Revelation 5:9). There are many differences but one God. There are many things that separate us, but there is one thing that brings us together. We are united in the Spirit of God.
This is why we can experience love, joy, mercy, compassion, and unity. Jesus unites us in a way that we could never experience apart from Him. We can, for instance, be"like-minded." This doesn't mean that we always think the same thing, but it means we are on the same team. We are "one" in Christ because He brought us together through the power of His Spirit.

Prayer : Holy Spirit, thank You for the unity You provide to Your children. May I live with the peace and jot that you give through Jesus. Amen.


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