Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes; for the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught. Proverbs 3:25-26

There is much to fear in this fallen world that is populated by sinners like you and me. Black is called white, evil makes headlines, and people are callous and cruel. The call in Proverbs 3:5 to trust in the Lord remains timely. The chapter also offers insight into how we can eliminate our fears by choosing faith and a confident belief in our powerful, all good, God.
Yet most us tend to borrow trouble. Honestly, it seems 90 percent of the things that I've feared or worried about never even happened. (And I'm pretty sure that's true for you as well.) Yet I keep borrowing trouble.
But according to this text, we aren't to be fearful because our God is in control. R.C. Sproul says that there is not one maverick molecule in God's universe. Of course the God who orchestrates the rising of the sun and its setting can keep us from being caught in a snare. Yet this promise is contingent on our obedience. God will not bless us when we choose disobedience. That's the essence of Jesus call to "seek first kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).
What exactly will be "added to" us? God will provide for us, His watchful care, and refuge under His wings when the storms of life rage. We build our confidence in God and learn to trust Him more by acknowledging that He is our strength and our ever present help in times of trouble.

Prayer :

Father, when I feel overwhelmed by trails and difficulties, help me to quit looking around at those circumstances. Doing so always increases my anxiety. Instead, prompt me to look to You and remember that You love me.

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