Luke 4:31-37

And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee and taught them on the Sabbath days. And they were astonished at His doctrine, for His word was with power. And in the synagogue, there was a man, who had a spirit of an unclean demon, and cried out with a loud voice Saying, let us alone, what have we to do with you, you Jesus of Nazareth? Are you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him, saying Hold your peace, and come out of Him. And when the demon had thrown him down in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not. And they were all amazed, and spoke among themselves, saying, what a word is this! For with authority and power He commands the unclean spirit, and they come out.

The revelation given in this scripture concerning this man, who was delivered by Jesus Himself, is a kind of case that abound all over the place, in a similar way, these days. The man was right inside the church where Jesus was teaching, yet he was possessed by evil spirits.

A demon-possessed person cannot serve God adequately, for his life will ne controlled by those evil forces against the will of God. Evil spirits lead their victims into ungodly acts against their will.

Just like Jesus did to that man, alot of people inside the church today need to purge their foundations from such evil forces to enable them serve God in a Godly manner.
Go for deliverance today to be set free!

Beloved, even after your deliverance, I advice you to avoid sin and anything that can put you in bondage again. There is still deliverance on Mount Zion.


At the name of Jesus, the powers that are saying you will not have rest shall flee from you, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Points

1. I release myself now unto deliverance from every evil possession, in the name of Jesus Christ.

2. Foundational evil force, release me and die, in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. Fire of God, enter me now, eject all strange forces inside of me, in the name of Jesus Christ.

4. Evil strangers in my life, hear the word of the Lord, Jump out now! In the name of Jesus.

5. I challenge my life with the fire of the Holy Ghost! In the name of Jesus Christ.

6. Blood of Jesus, purge my foundation, in the name of Jesus Christ.

7. Power from on High, fall upon me now for total deliverance, in the name of Jesus Christ.

8. Ungodly foundations in my life, be uprooted in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. I release myself and family from every ungodly foundation, in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. Fire of the living God, purge me and my family from every evil foundation, in the name of Jesus Christ.



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