
Showing posts from July, 2020


If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace, but now it is hidden from your eyes. Luke 19:42 There are certainly few people who can say in all sincerity that they have no self-reproach about letting opportunities for doing a friendly deed or speaking a word of encouragement slip past. A day seldom passes without the opportunity to cheer up someone who is depressed; to help someone who is going through a hard time; or to speak a friendly word to someone whom the struggles of life are threatening to overwhelm. To be sensitive to the distress of others, and to do your utmost to relieve that distress is a definite way of preventing regret, when it is too late to do anything about it. To be offered the opportunity of doing a kind deed for someone, and then to turn away instead, will impoverish you more than the other person. It is a basic rule of life that it is impossible to enrich other people’s lives through love and good deeds without enriching your own l...


I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. Ecclesiastes 1:13 The principle of identifying a need and then satisfying it, forms the basic philosophy behind many fortunes. Everywhere in the world there are needs waiting to be relieved. God may ask you to do precisely that. The need you will have to satisfy will possibly not bring you a fortune or enable you to establish an empire, but it may be more important than both of these in the eyes of God. Can you look around and honestly tell God that you do not see any need? That difficult person whom no one understands and whom everyone tries to avoid may have an urgent need for a sympathetic ear and an understanding heart. That widow, or divorcée who has been shut out from the community in a subtle way through no fault of their own, would certainly react to the offer of sincere friendship. There is probably a need in the life of the next person you will meet. You only need to be sensitive enough to...


I will take of the Spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them. They will help you carry the burden of the people so that you will not have to carry it alone. Numbers 11:37 There are many dedicated of the Lord who serve their Master and their fellow man with dedication and enthusiasm, even putting their own health on the line by doing this. They volunteer to do any task that arises and eventually they have so many divergent responsibilities that they cannot do anything properly. The intellectual and spiritual tension on their lives then becomes so big that it visibly affects the condition of their health. Many pastors and church members are so conscientious and concerned about their God-given task that they are not willing to share it anyone else fearing that it will not be done according to their standards. Therefore, they stubbornly refuse to delegate the Lord’s work to other talented Christian disciples. In the end there is so much to do and so little time in which to do...


Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Genesis 4:9  No one lives in isolation and only for himself. You are dependent on others for the food you eat and the clothes you wear.  It is unrealistic to say, “I am self-sufficient.” People are created to depend on one another, that’s just how it is. Due to this basic fact, human beings are essentially divided into two groups. Those who want to receive without giving: the takers; and those who find joy and fulfillment in making themselves available to others in service: the givers. It requires great courage to give of yourself through the act of love. It means that you must identify very closely with the person you want to help. If you question the wisdom of becoming involved in the distress of someone who needs your help, what is the alternative?  Will it make you happy to turn your back on someone who needs you? The knowledge that someone need...


If only I knew where to find Him; if only I could go to His dwelling! I would state my case before Him and fill my mouth with arguments. Job 23:3-4 Throughout the Christian world today we find people who are seeking the Lord so they can get to know Him better. You find them in care groups, revival campaigns, seminars, study groups, and those who meditate in solitude. Their desire for God is so great that they strive endlessly to find Him. Many such people maintain that they have a relationship with God that originates from a dramatic form of worship where emotions reach a high and where emphasis is placed on excitement. Others maintain that they have found Him in the solitude of meditation. If you truly want to find Christ, look at the world around you where you live and work. When you help a beggar, or show compassion to somebody in distress, where you offer friendship to the lonely, when you dedicate your time to converse with the aged or to play with children, when you visit the...


We too will serve the Lord, because He is our God. Joshua 24:18 The most important moment of your life is when you are born again, when you are filled with that wonderful, indescribable feeling of peace that can only come from Jesus, the One to whom you surrendered your life. The holiness of such a moment makes you inclined to place yourself at the service of the Master. At that moment, no sacrifice too big for you. You must, however, be prepared for the afterglow of this experience. Shortly on the heels of the joy of being born again, moments of doubt and uncertainty follow. The more you get involved with activities of the church, the more there will be to disagree with. In all probability you will experience disillusionment and even discouragement. All these things form part of the devil’s armory. He continually bombards Christians with in the hope that their faith will weaken and their testimonies to God will be silenced. To counter this, you must hold on steadfastly to the prom...


Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints. Philemon 7 There are many people who fervently desire to serve the Lord, but they cannot think of a way to do so. As a result they experience a vacuum in their spiritual lives. They get frustrated and complain that they remain unfulfilled. They seek in vain for ways to bear testimony to the Lord and to serve Him, but every search ends in a    cul-de-sac. In their disappointment, they withdraw more and more, until they wave what they perceive to be a lost cause goodbye. Every disciple of Jesus has a capacity for love. There is no emotion that is more important to serve the Master with than to share His love with others. Love can comfort, save those who are lost, and give hope to those who need it. It can break down barriers, build bridges, establish relationships and heal wounds. As Paul states : Love is the greatest. If you are sincerely looking for a way to ...


I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death. Philippians 3:10 Many of God’s servants are so busy working for Him that they do not have time to spend a few quiet moments alone with Him. They are so busy working for God’s Kingdom that their activities cancel the necessity for solitude and quiet time. They are working for God without experiencing the presence and power of the living Christ. Trying to serve Christ without the inspiring strength of the Holy Spirit leads to frustration, and eventually to spiritual suicide. When the ideal of what you are trying to do for Him fades away, when your spiritual reserves are not supplemented by prayer and meditation, when you try to maintain a Christian testimony without making Christ the most important element in your life, then your service will become powerless, without any effect or impact on the world. If you want to serve the Master, you must put ...


I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44 Blessed is the person who has no enemies! Even though the disciples spread God’s love, they still had enemies. It was precisely their testimony to Christ that caused such intense hostility. Man has a tendency to dislike those who dislike you. But if you do this, you cause a vicious circle that can only be broken by forgiveness and love. If you have an enemy, you are confronted with a challenge. You can ignore him, or cause him harm. However, it will be far better to act towards him according to Christ’s commands. Your first obligation is to erase all hatred and bitterness from your heart. Open yourself up to the influence of the Holy Spirit, and you will achieve the impossible. If your bitterness is under control, pray for your enemy. Prayer offers healing and salving that will enrich your spirit. An enemy, who is treated according to Christ’s commands, enables you to develop spiritual maturity. Shou...


My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12 Fanaticism is a common sin among spirituality attuned people. They have fought their way through many problems to reach a state of faith, and then suddenly believe that they are the only ones to have found the full truth. Their faith is the product of their personal thinking and possibly also of their individual experiences. However, when they claim to be the only ones to possess true faith and knowledge, while denying other people the same privilege, their lives are no longer receptive to God’s love. Their fanaticism and narrow-mindedness prevent the love of God from spreading to their neighbors. It is vital to know exactly what you believe in. But it is even more important that your love for your neighbor transcends any dogmatic differences. For the Spirit of the living Christ to live in you and for you to realize that He can also live in those who differ from you, love has to be the dominant emotion in your spi...


Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18 True love is not something that can be fathomed by the human mind. It cannot be sufficiently explained, and yet it is the most important and dynamic human emotion. Because of the unique quality of love, words remain incapable of explaining it. Compassion, goodness, tenderness and many other beautiful and highly emotive words cannot fully describe the strength and power of love. However, there is an unfortunate tendency to equate love with sentimentality which reduces this dynamic force to something weak and ineffectual. The foundation of true love is complete identification with the beloved. The same joys, sorrows, temptations and failures are experienced. True love entails sacrifice and often includes sadness. The quality of love transcends sympathy and comes to expression in loyalty and faithfulness, even if the whole world should turn against the beloved.  Love in action is ...


Love must be sincere. Romans 12:9 The word “love” is probably the most used and least understood word in any language. Through the years it has been used to express people’s feelings towards art, food, leisure and relaxation. On a personal level it is used to express one’s feelings of affection. It is even used in connection with clothes and other material possessions. When you are professing your love towards people, it would be beneficial to take a moment to consider the actual depth of your love. To what lengths would you go and what sacrifices would you be willing to make for the sake of love? Jesus Christ came to demonstrate to us the meaning of true love when He willingly gave His life for you and for all of humanity. To redeem mankind of it’s sin, He was willing to die for all of us and to take our punishment upon Him. As Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). True love involves making sacrifices for the sa...


Follow the way of love. 1 Corinthians 14:1 All around the world people are seeking greater knowledge and awareness of our Lord, Jesus Christ. As the Holy Spirit awakens them, people are striving to meet the Master in prayer, worship, communion and study. It is probably true to say that the enthusiasm which people have displayed in this quest is as great now as it has ever been throughout history. While this diligent approach to one’s faith is commendable and should be encouraged, one has to remember not to lose sight of the foundation of the Christian faith in one’s eagerness to get to know Jesus better. The birth, death and resurrection of Jesus demonstrate God’s unfathomable love for His people. Through Jesus Christ, He has made it abundantly clear that out of all things that He has commanded you to do, the willingness to show love stands out from everything else. Knowledge of the Master and the blessing of spiritual gifts are much sought after attributes among His modern discipl...


We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. 1 John 3:14 In the teachings of Jesus Christ, love is all powerful. Everything He was, everything He taught and did were manifestations of love. He made it a condition for discipleship and stated very clearly that man cannot serve or glorify God without love. People who are not in harmony with God’s teachings simply cannot understand such a strong accent on love. Their concept of love is that it is an emotion which operates in response to every passing mood. They just don’t understand that the power of love overcomes hate, that love can offer years of service without counting the cost. Love is a God-like characteristic that enriches everyone who allows God to reveal it in their lives. It is possible to have a first hand experience of the love of God and allow your life to become a channel of God’s love. This is the wiser way of life there is for man. The opposite of loving is to hate. This path will lead ...


Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. Ephesians 1:5 It is impossible to compare the existence of the Holy God with your own unimportant, insignificant and incomplete life. He is perfect while you are not, and therefore it seems as if there is no shared common ground between God and you. This would have been true if the name and character of God, as revealed to us through Jesus Christ, had not been love. But because He is love, He calls you to Him and if you react to this love call, your life will be changed miraculously. As the love of God becomes a reality to you, it controls your spirit and you become aware of your unity with the Father. It stimulates and inspires you. Yet the love of God which is at work in you is not an entirely emotional experience, it is a way of life. The wonder of grace is that God gives Himself to you! As you open yourself up to His life and influence, the Holy Spirit will enable y...