I know you woke up this morning not feeling your best, but that’s okay.

Everyone has down days that make you want to stay in bed.

But it’s more than that, isn’t it?

You’ve been carrying the weight of the world for far too long, haven’t you?

Most of the things you carry- guilt, sadness, regret- were never yours to carry.

Let it go.

I know it’s hard- it always lingers in the back of your mind and seems to put a damper on a lot of things.

But you’ve got to start unpacking that baggage that has been weighing you down or you’ll never be able to find your wings and fly.

Now, I’m not saying it’s going to be easy or that it will be painless, because it won’t be.

You’ll never be able to open your heart and soul to new possibilities if they’re cluttered with yesterday’s emotions.

Let it go, you’ve been holding onto it too long.

You didn’t deserve what happened to you, but you can’t change it.

It’s time to make peace with the things that still trouble you and hurt your heart.

It’s so much harder for the light from your soul to peek through if it’s clouded in darkness.

Realize that it’s not your fault and it’s not your burden to bear any’ve carried it with you too long.

You deserve to be happy.

You deserve to be open to opportunity.

You deserve to be free.

You’re not alone, I promise you.

I’ve been where you are going and I know how it’s a hard place to be in.

But you can do this.

Maybe you’ve lost hope, maybe life has brought you to your knees or maybe you just don’t think you’re strong enough..

But I’m here to tell you that you are more than enough.

But that’s the thing about letting’s so much harder than holding on.

I can take your hand and walk with you, but you alone must take the first steps.

The unknown is scary, but when you lessen your burdens and step out with faith and belief in yourself, you might just surprise yourself..

Maybe this time, you might just start flying for a bit.

Darling, you were made for more than surviving.

It’s your time to shine.

Get up, dust off that magic and start climbing.

Open your heart and free your soul..the past isn’t your master anymore.

It all starts today..

And it all starts with you.

You got this.



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