Watch for them

 Many of these false pastors/prophets are out of touch with reality which causes them to be detached from people. In other words, a lot of these folks really are lame in real life and they give off weird vibes. NO SAUCE! Just sour and bitter. You know it’s bad when they can’t connect to “REAL” believers or unbelievers. They connect to those who are faking it, just like them. They still see themselves as the “rejected kid” from childhood pretending to be the successful entrepreneur and spiritual teacher of the faith.  

Their goal is to seek revenge by beating folks across the head with the word of God. Which turns people away from God. These false teachers never healed from their childhood pain when “no one wanted them to sit at their table” or chose them to hang out with, so they use the word of God as a cover up to slice folks up. Jesus ain’t preparing a table in the presence of your enemies when you are the ENEMY disguised as His prophet. God’s people don’t fit in because we are a peculiar people. These false teachers don’t fit in cause they’re corny in real life so understand the difference.

Some people will make the requirements seem so hard to follow Jesus Christ by telling you everything you are doing wrong but never tell you what you are doing right. So this discourages people from following Christ. Rest assured those who do this will be judged accordingly. Many of these false pastors/prophets are just like the Pharisees that Jesus spoke about. 

Matthew 23:4 “They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden.”

These are not people of God they slap you over the head with “rules and laws” and never show you the scriptures about God’s grace and mercy. But they will expect folks to show them grace and mercy after God exposes their wicked deeds publicly. Their teachings are perverse. 

Matthew 23:13 “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. You won’t go in yourselves, and you don’t let others enter either. 

They quote scriptures all day long and still have no real understanding of the word of God. They do this to appear wise and knowledgeable in the eyes of man. Sadly they can’t answer a simple question as it relates to real life without trying to find a scripture to cover up the lack of wisdom they have. What terror awaits them! Real wisdom of God is simple all of that theological talk is used to further confuse those who wish to gain eternal life through Christ Jesus. 

Here’s a tip, if you ever watch a live or recording from a so called pastor or prophet and you feel drained, have a headache, or have a sudden feeling of grief that is witchcraft. God’s yolk is easy and brings freedom and hope to the heavy hearted. The relationship and your belief in Jesus Christ is all you need. “Acts 16:31 “

Leave them with their perverse form of religion.  Y’all be blessed. 

Love You Much, 😘

Crys  Dawn


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