carry on !

Somebody needs to hear this…when you walk with God, you have to be careful about who you walk with. I’m not just talking about people you talk to or people you run into, I’m talking about your circle of influence. Don’t confuse the two beloved. You see, your circle of influence are the people who influence how you walk with God, how you go through seasons with God and how you get to your promises with God. Stay with me…

Your circle is a powerful force…they don’t just know God because of what they read about or what they heard about. They didn’t make it over because they spiritually bypassed the requirements or the process. They didn’t meet grace when they read about it, they met grace when they couldn’t do anything about it. Your circle of influence have walked through the valley with God, they have suffered with God, they’ve been resurrected with God. They can see what God is doing, they understand that pits come with palace dreams and wilderness comes with promised lands. They know the way of the Lord and His timing, and the spiritual truth about victory in any area of life. Stay with me…

God told us to, “Test every spirit,” beloved. Your anointing has anointed instructions. If you let just anybody speak into your life, give you instructions or tell you what you should do, you will find out that when you’re receiving instructions that don’t come from God or align with God’s word, you’re being spiritually attacked. The attacking spirit is a spirit that will speak into your life with ignorance that their arrogance calls God’s wisdom for you. They will speak into your season without knowing God in that season or ever walking with God in that season. They will speak into your struggle and your process from a worldly point of view, from frame of reference that has nothing to do with you or how God works. When you’re anointed by God, you have to test every spirit beloved. Stay with me…

The anointing on your life is God’s anointing. Your way is God’s way. Your truth is God’s truth. Your victory is God’s victory. Your timing is God’s timing. Your peace is God’s peace. Your wisdom and discernment belong to God. Every day of your life and every test for your faith belongs to God. Your circle of influence has to be walking with God, talking with God and receiving revelation from God, to speak into your life. To speak into your season, to speak into your divine path, to speak into your victory, to speak into your exodus, to speak into your thorn in the flesh, to speak into your storm and your fight. 

Your success in any area of life, your divine provision and your vision cannot be put in just anybody’s hand beloved. Many suffer because the circle they’re gives them instructions for detours, not destiny. Your circle of influence is not just saved by the blood, they fight with the blood, the truth. They don’t give you generic advice, worldly advice, advice that comes from arrogant ignorance or a lack of knowledge about what God’s word actually says and means. They are real about God, not superficial, shallow, or followers when it’s convenient. They know that the God you serve has plans to prosper you and not to harm you. When you’re an anointed giraffe, your circle of influence cannot be turtles beloved…they can’t see what you see or what God wants you to see. 

Put this in your spirit…remember Job’s friends who tried to speak ignorance into his life when he was going through his divine test? Read the book of Job, and you will see why it matters who speaks into your life and why God rebuked Job’s friends and their ignorance. Take your circle of influence seriously…create one if you don’t have one. Get mentors if you don’t have any. Keep your circle small, and test every spirit. Your circle of influence will keep you grounded in truth and help you soar in faith beloved. 

Carry On!



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