
Showing posts from August, 2021


 Today, think of yourself as a musician born to bring heaven's music to a world weary of noise.  The beautiful song is yours, yours alone to release into the atmosphere of My creation and to resound it against the raucous-topped mountains and the sky's lustrous sliver linings.  No gift of Mine is given without the love of all heaven as its back-up cheering it on. A song without love is not found in heaven's banks of hymnals and scores.  No recording's ever made it to heaven's shopping cart without My love. So here's your question for the day :  As My personal adorable musician, bringing music only you can make to a cacophonous world, doing exactly as I created you to do, and being exactly who I created you to be, are you grateful you're you?  My Wo:rds To Him : Today, Lord Jesus, I'm going to see myself as a musician, born to bring heaven's music to a world that's become weary of noise.  The beautiful song I want to bring forth is for you, and yo...


 Think of yourself today as an architect at the drawing board of life drawing your blueprints for a new environment where learning, joy, and love will prevail.  See yourself flowing in your builder's gifts moving forward with the dream I put in your heart.  I tell you, create with confidence and enthusiasm, and don't hold back.  I am with you to bring to pass the results of what I've birthed in you.  Execute your plans with the skill I've your plans with the skill I've gifted you with, and you'll receive approval and favor, and many lives will be saved, enriched, and prepared for the days to come. My Words To Him :  Today, Lord Jesus, I'm going to see myself as an architect at the drawing board of life, drawing my blueprints for a new me in a new environment where learning and joy will prevail.  I see myself today flowing in my architect's gifts moving forward with the dream you've put in my heart.  I'll create with confidence and enthusiasm, Lor...


 Today, think of yourself as a sculptor facing your block of stone and all ready to chisel out the beauty locked inside.  A form in the stone has been waiting to be set loose for centuries, and My Father has sent you to set the stone-trapped captive free.  You've been given the gift to see into the hard interior of stone.  You're blessed with the consecrated skill required to create beauty from ashes. Trust your gifts today.  Trust Me who made you who you are. Dare to chisel away at your divinely appointed task with dignity and holy pride.  My Words To Him :  Today, Lord Jesus, I'm going to think of myself as a sculptor facing my block of stone with my chisel prepared to carve out the beautiful life locked inside.  I'm going to discover the form in the stone that's been waiting to be set loose.  Thank you, Father God, for sending Jesus to set the stone-trapped captives free.  Thank you for the gift to see into the hard interior of stone ...


 I want you to stand on the crest of heaven', mountain and gaze down at the great life I've called you to live on earth. Can you see the fun ahead for you in my Spirit? Can you see the blessings? Can you see the health, friends love, goodness. mercy and prosperity ahead? do you see beautiful fellowship with Me? I fellowship with Me? Ah, you see beautiful fellowship with Me? Ah, open the eyes of your heart today, and see.   My words to Him   Thank you Jesus, for the great life you 've called me to live on this earth. I choose to a beautiful life ahead for me and my loved ones. I choose to see a beautiful life ahead for me and my loved ones as your Spirit guides each day. I'm going to stop ruminating on the negative things going on around me and in the world. and i am going to focus on our genius, on your generous heart, I will see with my spiritual eyes, and then i will discern blessing from curse, I will never succumb to fear because when I think with the mind o...