THERE ARE WICKED POWERS TO CONTEND WITH ONE OF THE ENTITIES THAT MUST BE DISGRACED AND PARALYZED IS THE SPIRITUAL ENTITY CALLED THE DRAGON. IT IS A SORT OF PRINCIPALITY IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM. THESE ARE GENERALS IN THE SATANIC KINGDOM. THEY ARE SYMBOLS OF UNCOMMON WICKEDNESS. THOSE WHO FALL PREY TO FEROCIOUS DRAGONS MAY NEVER LIVE TO TELL THE STORY. THEREFORE, WARRIORS WHO WANT TO TACKLE DRAGONS MUST BE WELL EQUIPPED AND SHOULD NOT PRAY LIKE GENTLEMEN. A DRAGON IS A SPIRIT THAT HAS BEEN EMPOWERED BY THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS TO SWALLOW THEIR ALIVE. "Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet." Psalms 91:13 Prayer Points 1. Witchcraft serpent fashioned against my blood, depart now and go back your sender, in the name of Jesus. 2. Every agenda of the serpent for my destiny, scatter, in the name of Jesus. 3. Holy Ghost fire, penetrate my body, soul, and spirit and destroy every plantation of the serpent, in the n...